The Network State: How To Start a New CountryRecommendations

Balaji Srinivasan
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About the book

We battle for the old when the fresh new is unimaginable. That is where we are now in terms of governments, politics, and most of the physical world. But maybe we can alter it.

This book offers the notion of the network state: a country that can be started from a computer, a state that recruits like a startup, a nation developed from the internet rather than disturbed by it.

The basic idea behind the network state is to create a digital community and arrange it to crowdfund physical territory. But that area is not concentrated in one location; rather, it is distributed globally, entirely decentralised, and linked together through the internet for a common goal, much like Google's headquarters or Bitcoin's miners. And, because every person has opted in, it is a model for 100 percent democracy rather than the 51 percent minimum level of consent established by democracies.

Of course, there are other questions that must be addressed in order to construct something of this magnitude. How does a network state function on a social, technological, logistical, legal, physical, and financial level? How could such a thing be possible?

That’s why you should read this book.

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