This is MarketingRecommendations

Seth Godin
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About the book

Godin presents the heart of his marketing advice in one easy, ageless packaging for the first time. A major notion underpins his strategy: great marketers don't use customers to solve their company's issues; instead, they use marketing to solve other people's problems. They don't only create noise; they help to improve the world. Empathy, compassion, and emotional labor are the foundations of truly effective marketing.

This book teaches you how to identify your smallest viable audience, position your offering using the right signals and signs, gain trust and permission from your target market, speak to the narratives your audience tells themselves about status, affiliation, and dominance, spot opportunities to create and release tension, and provide people with the tools they need to achieve their goals.

Marketers need to quit lying, spamming, and feeling bad about their work. It's past time to separate social media analytics from genuine interactions. It's past time to quit squandering money on attention that will not pay off in the long term. This is Marketing proposes a superior method that will remain relevant for decades to come, regardless of how marketing strategies progress.

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