
Gretchen Rubinbook recommendations

Gretchen Rubin is an American author, blogger and speaker. She is the author of several New York Times bestsellers.

Quotes & Sources

Gretchen Rubin on Delivering Happiness
"In this fascinating (and often hilarious) account, [the author] explains how he turns his beliefs into actions that really do deliver happiness."

Gretchen Rubin on The Catcher in the Rye
"Was not written to be a young adult book. It’s an adult book. But it sort of drifted there because the protagonist is a teenager."

Gretchen Rubin on Give and Take
"Offers extraordinarily thought-provoking—and often surprising—conclusions about how our interactions with others drive our success and happiness."

Gretchen Rubin on Peter Pan
Gretchen Rubin mentioned this book on "The Tim Ferriss Show" podcast.

Gretchen Rubin on Jane Eyre
"Has started drifting into YA."

Gretchen Rubin on The Making of a Manager
"Combines cutting-edge analysis of how organizations work with engaging and accessible examples of how theory plays out in real life, with stories of what [the author] did right and wrong."

Gretchen Rubin on A Pattern Language
"I’m not a visual person, but this book taught me to see the world around me in an entirely new way."

Gretchen Rubin on The Hate U Give
Gretchen Rubin mentioned this book on "The Tim Ferriss Show" podcast.

Gretchen Rubin on Wonder
"An amazing book."


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