
John Doerrbook recommendations

L. John Doerr is an American author, investor and venture capitalist at Kleiner Perkins in Menlo Park, California.

Quotes & Sources

John Doerr on In The Plex
John Doerr recommended this book at the end of "Measure What Matters."

John Doerr on Work Rules!
John Doerr recommended this book at the end of "Measure What Matters."

John Doerr on How Google Works
John Doerr recommended this book at the end of "Measure What Matters."

John Doerr on Trillion Dollar Coach
John Doerr recommended this book at the end of "Measure What Matters."

John Doerr on Great by Choice
John Doerr recommended this book at the end of "Measure What Matters."

John Doerr on Good to Great
John Doerr recommended this book at the end of "Measure What Matters."

John Doerr on Radical Candor
John Doerr recommended this book at the end of "Measure What Matters."

John Doerr on Lean In
John Doerr recommended this book at the end of "Measure What Matters."

John Doerr on The Intel Trinity
John Doerr recommended this book at the end of "Measure What Matters."

John Doerr on Andy Grove
John Doerr recommended this book at the end of "Measure What Matters."

John Doerr on High Output Management
John Doerr recommended this book at the end of "Measure What Matters."


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