
Jen Sincerobook recommendations

Jen Sincero is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, success coach and motivational cattle prod who’s helped countless people transform their personal and professional lives via her products, speaking engagements, newsletters, seminars and books.

Quotes & Sources

Jen Sincero on As A Man Thinketh
"Considering the fact that if you can really truly get that skill down, you can create the most awesome life ever, reading this book, over and over and over until it becomes second nature is time well spent."

Jen Sincero on The Power of Now
"It challenges you to see the world in a different way and does a great job of at helping you grasp some pretty deep theories about reality and time and perspective."

Jen Sincero on The Way of the Superior Man
"This book is made for a man, but the ladies must read it, too, if they really want to understand how men work."

Jen Sincero on The War of Art
"Read this thing if you want to blast past your fears and insecurities and resistance to being your biggest, badassiest self."

Jen Sincero on The Four Agreements
"Lays out some very simple and profound truths that will absolutely change your life for the better if you live by them."

Jen Sincero on Think and Grow Rich
"Do what he says (and really do all of it) and you will be large and in charge."

Jen Sincero on A Return to Love
"I really love the way she writes and found this book hugely helpful back in the day."

Jen Sincero on The Circle
"Another excellent offering on the art of manifesting."


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