
Matt Ridleybook recommendations

Matt Ridley is a British journalist and businessman. Ridley is best known for his writings on science, the environment, and economics. He publishes a blog, and has been a regular contributor to The Times newspaper.

Quotes & Sources

Matt Ridley on The Double Helix
"An astonishing literary achievement, and it was about the greatest scientific discovery of the 20th century."

Matt Ridley on The Selfish Gene
"Turned evolutionary biology on its head and was written like a great detective story."

Matt Ridley on The Origin of Species
"[Changed] science and [reached] the public."

Matt Ridley on The Martian
"I loved the fact that the hero never once implies that it’s courage, spirit and faith that saves him [...] just lots of practical tinkering and problem-solving: Science the crap out of it."

Matt Ridley on Whole Earth Discipline
"Describes how one of the things he did was spawn a back-to-the-land movement with people growing their own vegetables and forming communes."

Matt Ridley on What Technology Wants
"Realises that there’s an inexorability about the way technology changes and that it’s almost as if technology has its own agenda."


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