Naval Ravikantbook recommendations

Naval Ravikant (born in 1974) is an Indian born American Entrepreneur, Angel Investor, Founder, and CEO from New York. He is best known as AngelList's Founder. In addition, he is presently serving as the Chief Executive Officer, Chairman, and owner of AngelList Company.

73 books recommended by Naval Ravikant

Atlas Shrugged

Ayn Rand


Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Good to Great

Jim Collins

The Black Swan

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

Richard P. Feynman

Poor Charlie's Almanack

Charlie Munger

Snow Crash

Neal Stephenson

Tools of Titans

Tim Ferriss

Skin in the Game

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The Lord of the Rings

J.R.R. Tolkien

12 Rules for Life

Jordan Peterson


Hermann Hesse

How to Change Your Mind

Michael Pollan

The Selfish Gene

Richard Dawkins

The Lessons of History

Will & Ariel Durant

Tao Te Ching

Lao Tzu

The Three-Body Problem

Cixin Liu

Fooled by Randomness

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The Power of Habit

Charles Duhigg

Homo Deus

Yuval Noah Harari

Extreme Ownership

Jocko Willink

The Beginning of Infinity

David Deutsch

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant

Eric Jorgenson

The Sovereign Individual

James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg


Isaac Asimov

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Douglas Adams

The Rational Optimist

Matt Ridley

The Book of Five Rings

Miyamoto Musashi


Nick Bostrom

The Power of Now

Eckhart Tolle

Sex at Dawn

Christopher Ryan

The Power of Myth

Joseph Campbell

The Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith

Gödel, Escher, Bach

Douglas R. Hofstadter

The Elephant in the Brain

Kevin Simler & Robin Hanson

A Pattern Language

Christopher Alexander et al.

Economics in One Lesson

Henry Hazlitt

Letters from a Stoic

Lucius Annaeus Seneca


Robert B. Cialdini

Stories of Your Life and Others

Ted Chiang

The Bhagavad Gita

Eknath Easwaran

The Diamond Age

Neal Stephenson

The Way of the Superior Man

David Deida

Waking Up

Sam Harris

The Network State: How To Start a New Country

Balaji Srinivasan


Ted Chiang

The Origin of Species

Charles Darwin

The Prophet

Kahlil Gibran

The Red Queen

Matt Ridley

The Untethered Soul

Michael A. Singer


Anthony de Mello

Good Calories, Bad Calories

Gary Taubes


Matt Ridley

The Book of Why

Judea Pearl & Dana Mackenzie

The Bed of Procrustes

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The Fabric of Reality

David Deutsch

The Enchiridion


The Origin of Consciousness

Julian Jaynes

The Third Wave

Steve Case

Who We Are and How We Got Here

David Reich


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