
Neil Straussbook recommendations

Neil Darrow Strauss, also known by the pen names Style and Chris Powles (born March 9, 1969) is an American author, journalist and ghostwriter. He is best known for his book The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists, in which he describes his experiences in the seduction community in an effort to become a "pick-up artist." He is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone and also wrote regularly for The New York Times.

Quotes & Sources

Neil Strauss on Nonviolent Communication
"The central idea is that, unbeknownst to us, there’s a lot of violence in the way we communicate with others—and with ourselves."

Neil Strauss on The Painted Bird
"It's really dark, but it's 'un-put-down-able.'"

Neil Strauss on Ulysses
"The book that’s most influenced me."

Neil Strauss on On the Shortness of Life
"I give [this book] away a lot."

Neil Strauss on Siddhartha
Neil Strauss recommended this book in the "Tools of Titans" book.

Neil Strauss on Meditations
Neil Strauss recommended this book in the "Tools of Titans" book.

Neil Strauss on The Way of the Superior Man
Neil Strauss recommended this book in a blog post.

Neil Strauss on One Hundred Years of Solitude
"A good book to appreciate."


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