
Sophia Amorusobook recommendations

Sophia Amoruso is an American businesswoman. Her 2014 autobiography, #GIRLBOSS was adapted into a television series of the same name for Netflix. In 2014, Amoruso founded Girlboss Media, a company that creates content geared toward a female audience.

Quotes & Sources

Sophia Amoruso on Venture Deals
"When I went to raise venture capital [I read this book]. And I was like, you know, I've raised $70 million so I guess I figured that out."

Sophia Amoruso on Everything is Figureoutable
"An unapologetic guide to solving your biggest problems and accomplishing your wildest dreams."

Sophia Amoruso on The Richest Man in Babylon
"100 years later all the advice still holds up, which I find really great."


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