
Vlad Tenevbook recommendations

Vladimir Tenev is a Bulgarian American billionaire entrepreneur, and the co-founder of Robinhood, a US-based financial services company.

Quotes & Sources

Vlad Tenev on Shoe Dog
Vlad Tenev's response to Bloomberg's "The Best Books of 2017" survey.

Vlad Tenev on Antifragile
"The general concept is applicable to many fields beyond biology, for instance finance, economics and monetary policy."

Vlad Tenev on Animal Farm
"When I was in sixth grade I remember being very upset by the ending of [this book]."

Vlad Tenev on The Republic
"I like the classics such as The Republic by Plato and The Art of War by Sun Tzu."

Vlad Tenev on The Art of War
"I like the classics such as The Republic by Plato and The Art of War by Sun Tzu."


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