Vinod Khoslabook recommendations

Vinod Khosla is an Indian American billionaire businessman and venture capitalist. He is a co-founder of Sun Microsystems, LS9, Inc and the founder of Khosla Ventures. In 2014, Forbes named him amongst the 400 richest people in the United States.

22 books recommended by Vinod Khosla

Man's Search for Meaning

Viktor E. Frankl

The War of Art

Steven Pressfield

12 Rules for Life

Jordan Peterson

The True Believer

Eric Hoffer


Robert M. Sapolsky


Sam Harris

What You Do Is Who You Are

Ben Horowitz

Chaos Monkeys

Antonio García Martínez


Geoffrey West

Deep Learning

Ian Goodfellow

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

Shoshana Zuboff

The Last Days of Night

Graham Moore

The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future

Sebastian Mallaby

The Second Machine Age

Erik Brynjolfsson & Andy McAfee

Winners Take All

Ad Giridharadas


Leslie Berlin

Alexander Hamilton

Ron Chernow

From Bacteria to Bach and Back

Daniel C. Dennett

Drunk Tank Pink

Adam Alter

The Breakthrough

Charles Graeber

This Is Your Brain on Music

Daniel J. Levitin

The Uninhabitable Earth

David Wallace-Wells


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