
Anthony Pomplianobook recommendations

Anthony Pompliano, who is best known as Pomp, is an American entrepreneur, investor, and host of The Pomp Podcast (formerly Off The Chain). He has built and sold numerous companies, ran Product & Growth teams at Facebook, and manages a portfolio valued at more than $500 million in early-stage tech companies.

Quotes & Sources

Anthony Pompliano on Blitzscaling
"No brainer pick up for every entrepreneur and investor."

Anthony Pompliano on Can't Hurt Me
"Have been [this author's] fan for awhile. The book didn't disappoint."

Anthony Pompliano on The Richest Man in Babylon
"[One of] the three most impactful books for me."

Anthony Pompliano on The Founders
"Highly recommend anyone read [this book]."

Anthony Pompliano on Titan
"[One of the] best books I read in 2017."

Anthony Pompliano on When Breath Becomes Air
"[One of the] best books I read in 2017."

Anthony Pompliano on The Rational Optimist
"[One of the] best books I read in 2017."

Anthony Pompliano on Originals
"[One of the] best books I read in 2017."

Anthony Pompliano on Sapiens
"[One of the] best books I read in 2017."

Anthony Pompliano on Billion Dollar Whale
"Worth checking out if this story interests you."

Anthony Pompliano on Rich Dad Poor Dad
"My favorite book of all time."

Anthony Pompliano on Atomic Habits
"Highly recommend."

Anthony Pompliano on The Better Angels of Our Nature
"So good. I've found it to really rock people's preconceived notions on a number of topics."

Anthony Pompliano on The Network State
"Recommend you consider buying a copy if you’re looking for a peak into the future."

Anthony Pompliano on The Psychology of Money
"Want to read a great book? Go grab [this one]."

Anthony Pompliano on Relentless
"One of the most underrated books in the world."

Anthony Pompliano on Think and Grow Rich
"[One of] the three most impactful books for me."

Anthony Pompliano on Elon Musk
"Found it even better than I anticipated."

Anthony Pompliano on The Undoing Project
"[One of the] best books I read in 2017."

Anthony Pompliano on Shoe Dog
"[One of the] best books I read in 2017."

Anthony Pompliano on Algorithms to Live By
"[One of the] best books I read in 2017."

Anthony Pompliano on The Courage to Be Disliked
"This book is tremendous. Highly recommend!"

Anthony Pompliano on Superforecasting
"[One of the] best books I read in 2017."

Anthony Pompliano on The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
"Highly suggest others grab a copy too!"

Anthony Pompliano on Dealing with China
"Super interesting."


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