
Tony Hsiehbook recommendations

Tony Hsieh is an American internet entrepreneur and venture capitalist. He is the CEO of the online shoe and clothing company Zappos. Prior to joining Zappos, Hsieh co-founded the internet advertising network LinkExchange, which he sold to Microsoft in 1998 for $265 million.

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Tony Hsieh on Tribal Leadership
"Awesome book! Codifies what we instinctively try to do with Zappos culture."

Tony Hsieh on Originals
One of 4 books Tony Hsieh recommended in Inc.com

Tony Hsieh on The Happiness Hypothesis
"One great book in this field."

Tony Hsieh on Joy on Demand
"This book DEMANDs your EnJOYment!"

Tony Hsieh on Peak
"Great book."

Tony Hsieh on Rework
"Read this book multiple times to help give you the courage you need to get out there and make something great."

Tony Hsieh on Without Their Permission
"Shows how anyone can use the power of the Internet to make the world a much cooler place to live."

Tony Hsieh on Getting Things Done
One of 4 books Tony Hsieh recommended in Inc.com

Tony Hsieh on Where Good Ideas Come From
One of 4 books Tony Hsieh recommended in Inc.com

Tony Hsieh on Start with Why
One of 4 books Tony Hsieh recommended in Inc.com


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